Java, Java Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink

Event Date

Feb 27, 2025


9 dudes did not run straight this morning at Java. Some of those guys ran straight yesterday, for some unknown reason.  

After being right on time (5:31) – just ask Lone Star, we moseyed around the theatre lot and circled for a little tiny warm-up.  Enduring the usual mockery and ridicule from Airstream, YHC- being made of stern stuff- carried on unfazed.  

We knocked out some decline ‘Mericans, slow squats and other stuff that tough people do.  Manly stuff, really. It was beautiful.  We rolled through 3.2 – 3.4 miles, depending on your watch.  The pace was brisk and the weather was briskly perfect. As usual, No Rope, Centerfold, Omega and Cubicle raced ahead.  Those of us who may be a bit slower don’t mind- we’re all finishers.  

Greyhound with a great closing prayer in COT! Most Pax mentioned (in private) that this was the most awesomist Java they had ever experienced.  Naturally. You’re welcome.  See you out there again soon, gents. 
