YHC had some early family commitments, and with the MQ iffy at best to return for a second Thursday traditional, it was time to go back to a time when we were all a little more energetic early in the am.
with a 0510 start, it was decided we would stay close to the launch to pick up any stragglers that might have missed the preblast. There were none.
with 5 willing pax (welcome back Tabtrum), we moseyed to the basketball court for COP and warmup:
SSH X 15
Merkins x 10
squats x 15
toy soldiers x 10
then slow mosey to parking lot for (initial) instructions for The Jukebox:
Q starts a song from the Spotify magic box (DJ X, who picks random songs based on history and what might be pleasing). Pax guesses either artist or title and they choose an exercise. If no correct guess, pax runs a lap around the tree circle. Repeat until the end. Details as follows:
all pax are surprisingly good when the songs are mostly mainstream. No NIN or Depeche Mode so Vandalay would not have been good at today’s mix.
Amen continues to impress with his knowledge of old school rap.
when a word is repeated over and over again, it’s probably the song title.
Lady Gaga is not British contrary to popular belief.
The moon creates beautiful halo effects before 0530.
Great time and glad to spend the early morning hour with these high impact men.
humbly submitted 13 February 2025,
Great Q and great use of DJ X, Who I’m listening to right now. And, who just came on that’s right those young guys from the Midwest who sound like Zeppelin. No not the Black Crowes, Rocket!