7 Men drew the 7 of Diamonds this morning at the General.
SSH, Longsnappers, Slowish Windmills, Toy Soldiers, ISTs all IC
The Thang:
For the first round, 7 burpees at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase/decrease by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 8 rounds.
Round 2, 14 Mericans at each of the 4 corners.
Round 3, 21 LBC’s at each of the 4 corners.
Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners.
Round 5, 21 CCD’s at each corner
Round 6, 14 Low flutters at each corner
Round 7, 7 Decline Mericans at each corner
Head up to benches
10 Dips IC
10 Step ups each leg
10 Incline Mericans IC
Repeato Dips only
Mobility Moment
Mosey down to wall for People’s Chair, Air presses, Praying Mantis, Land the plane
Head back to launch point
AirStream Jackknife Pretzel crunch
Cubicle 6″ leg raise, low flutter, low dolly, Freddie mercury
Greyhound Stand up (literally just standing up)
Deep Dish 1 burpee
Good showing today. Appreciate those that posted for my Spring Break Q. Nice mumblechatter from Omega and Airstream this morning. Not sure this workout had a lot of fans, but hey it wasn’t an easy one. YHC cares about your health.
I’m blessed to have had the opportunity to lead this morning. Strong work from all today. See you all in May!
Little Professor
Great work buddy! Finish strong and enjoy your last few months of college.
Safe travels back for your final semester of undergrad college Little P.