9 pax including the Q arrived to the gloom this fine Friday before St Patrick’s Day not knowing they’d soon be dancing to Irish Pub Rock compliments of YHC. Good times and a good workout were had by all the lads.
Grab your bells and follow YHC up the stairs to the top deck. YHC’s truck, KB, phone, speaker and big, long, thick, black… rope were up there waiting for all the little leprechauns as they emerged through the last door.
Truly, this was the only part worth writing about as the 1st two exercises were from the lexicon, tweaked for the leprechauns. Side Straddle Hop – Irish Style. Picture the 1st part of the SSH, but instead of the 2nd overhead clap and leg spread, the pax would jump, bend the right knee to the side and slap the right foot with left hand in front of the waist, then a standard SSH, then bend left knee, slap left foot with right hand, etc. This was done in cadence to Irish Pub Rock blasting through the speaker. A the leprechauns looked fantastic.
2nd Irish themed exercise would be the Irish Calf Hop. Think of feet together, arms straight by your side. Hop up, cross feet but keep them close to each other, hop and cross them the other way. Arms never move. Do lots of these to the beat of the Irish rock song and ye calves shall be burnin’, lads!
The pax got a good laugh and got the hearts pumping, then went on to more normal warm-o-rama, followed by sets of
2 exercises, repeato those 2, then three-peato those 2 exercises, then down the stairs two levels, up the ramp back to the bells. Sets were:
Curls and Skull Crushers
Lawn Mowers and Bent Over Rows (BROs, The Manzier”)
Chest Press and WWIII Sit-up (sit up with bell, shoulder press, back down)
The Celtic Moleskine:
POS repeatedly announced how the music made him crave beer. Me thinks this is because POS is off work today (good luck with the appointment).
YHC hadn’t taken the pax to the top of the deck in quite a while. Love it up there. Cool at first – Lawn Dart complained often of his toes being cold – but the pax would be sweating before warm-o-rama was over.
Tiny Dancer stated he got to Dragon Slayer yesterday only for it to be called off. Samson remains open for business on Thursdays brother! Hot Wax had that Q yesterday and we had 5 pax enjoy a hot, waxy beatdown.
Smaller Cauldron crowd at Lowe’s coffeteria this week, but despite the low quantity, the quality was high. Nice pax count at coffeteria following Candy Shop with Ultraman’s Q. YHC didn’t take note of the quality, though.
Christina Latini Walk/Run a week from Saturday! That’s 8AM on 3/22/2025. Register, volunteer or donate. Those are your only 3 options!