It’s baaaaaaaaack. QvQ has returned but with a brand new format to avoid getting voted off for calling burpees (not that YHC is bitter about that from prior years or anything). It’s hard to recall everything but here goes.
- Carrot Puller
- Windmills
We are prisoners breaking out! Line up and zamperini. We did a series of exercises based on breaking our shackles and getting out of Dodge. Here’s the best that I can remember:
- Weighted LBCs
- Upright Rows
- Lawnmowers
- Low Curl
- Full Curl
- High Curl
- OH Press
- Skull Crushers
- Sumo Squats
- Mosey
- some other stuff (sorry Greyhound, I just cannot remember)
Cherry Bomb
Carry bells to form a circle. It’s a school so we had to learn how to play in a circle and share our toys.
- Kettlebell drag-n-drop merry go round, 10 drags
- Merkins x 10 IC
- Reverse the merry go round, 10 drags
- Merkins x 10 IC
- Stand up, tree hugger kb pass
- Jump squats x 10 OYO
- Reverse the pass
- Jump squats x 10 OYO
All bells go in the middle. Bear Craw around the bells. 5 seconds to find your bell. Those who find it, Curls x 10 OYO. Those who do not, Burpees x 10 OYO. Only YHC and Rico did burpees but there was some suspected KB stealing.
- Curls x 10 IC
A bunch of core exercises to end
- Suzanne Sommers x 15 IC (each side)
- WWII sit ups x 20 SC
- KB Low flutter x 10 IC
- KB do-si-do x 10 IC
- KB box cutters x 10 IC
- Dead bug x 10 IC
- ONE burpee
Recover. Recover.
- After much conversing, the judges somehow picked me as winner. Oyster assaulted YHC afterwards. Witnesses are refusing to come forward citing intimidation tactics.
- Tclaps to Greyhound who put on a great workout.
- Thanks to those who came out to support. Great to see a few faces I haven’t seen in a while.
- This was the first bootcamp Q that I’ve done in a long time. Injuries and such have kept me out, but just like John Wick…I’m thinking I’m back. Tune in for next week for Round 2.
Until then – CB
(I have seen Oyster 🦪 act similarly in the past. I would be willing to testify to that fact – if I can be granted protection. Otherwise, I will continue to suffer in silence, like so many others.)
Congratulations Cherry Bomb. Well deserved Win. Nice innovation with the KB drag and KB carry. Especially given Uncle Rico’s 45lb KB.
Appreciate the PAX who came this GLOOM.
Congratulations to Olive and Operation Sweet Tooth on the Memorial 8k this Saturday 👏🏼
This was a close one. We won’t say how close the scoring rubric was, but let’s pretend it was won by only one point. Hard fought and well executed by both. YHC would’ve easy been taken down by these two winners.