10 hard-chargers sallied forth for the much-anticipated early morning PAINinsula Debutante Cotillion and Safety Fartlek which was to be held at the beautiful PAINinsula Square Garden. Outlaw opined that the debutantes were trying to avoid us, and perhaps that is so, but it would be to no avail. This pax of studly young men soon tracked down the Tron-like debutantes, and commenced to impress them with our amazing feats of strength and endurance. They remained nonplussed, and showed little interest in the pax while literally running circles around us. Dejected but ever-gentlemanly, we departed the ball having displayed neither pickle-pounders, monkey humpers nor hip thrusters.
With the debutante ball in our rear view mirror, we ambled over for a stop at the colonnade, followed by a scramble down to the rock pile for stonehenge activities. We said the Pledge, and then broad-jumped/WWII’d our way back toward launch (a true crowd pleaser).
All told, it’s safe to say we covered strength, cardio-vascular and mobility in this morning’s offerings. Although none of the debutantes took a shine to us, it’s ok because we are all spoken for men with wives who wake us up screaming and snoring… and we are better for it.
We prayed out for Einstein, and for all of our children and their spouses and future spouses. After that we drank coffee and told lies. It was a morning upon which we can hang our hats, and I appreciate you animals. GG sends.