A 9/11 Memorial – Never Forgetting

Event Date

Sep 10, 2016


5 warriors strained and sweated with the 9/11 victims, families, colleagues, first-responders, NYC community, compatriots, soldiers, and others in mind.  We will never forget.

YHC showed up early for simple setup and to get ahead of the game to allow for an early departure.  Planted the shovel flag.  Wrote down a simple number: 2977.  .  .  That is the number of innocent people that died on 9/11/2001.

No warm up.  There was no warm up for anyone that day.  Our lives were impacted without warning.

2977 exercises to be performed by pax.  Setup a set as:

  • 25 merkins
  • 25 SSH
  • 25 squats
  • 25 LBC's or situps
  • run up the parking lot around the flag
  • tally mark for your set

YHC started.  As guys rolled in, they joined in.  It was quiet.  A little bit of somber, and a little bit of I-can't-talk-and-count-at-the-same-time.  The first tallys were solo and went slow.  As others joined, the tallys were knocked off much quicker; a great reminder of how 1+1=3 when people work together on a common goal.  There were interspersed thoughts about 'never forget what I was doing on 9/11'.  T-claps and support and hugs to Gecko for sharing his story.  Praying.

We finished sooner than I thought, honestly.  We did something like this in the past…may have used 10 reps per cycle…more transition, more running…and I think it took most of the workout.

Group 3/4 mile mosey to the cul de sac and back with some windmills at the turn around.

Mosey to the back.  Try something new: one-arm pull ups.  Everyone succeeded.  Somethings are more intimidating than they should be until you try it.

Grab a 33# block.

T-claps to Atlantis, who whips out some one-armed curls.  Ha!  Nice!

  • 12x curls for the girls
  • 12x imperial squat walkers
  • 12x trifectas

T-claps to Gecko, who challenges the gang to left-handed one-armed curls….oooh….not so easy. 


  • 20x LBC
  • 20x fire-hydrant kick backs (alternating legs)
  • 20x low dollys  (1st time I've been able to do these since groin pull woot-woot!)
  • minute of 'merican Hammers

Reflection: John 3: 2-3

  • "He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”  Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."
  • Knowing of Jesus and understanding that He is the Son of God is part of the process.
  • Be born again / transformation of your heart and soul with the knowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Are you born again? 
  • Consider your role as the family's spiritual leader.  Are you prepared for some of the questions your child may ask?  Will you give them the foundation and example to be born again?


  • I had to leave at 7:45 to attend the Harvest Cove breakfast and Benham Brothers talk…dudes, it was awesome!  Glad some of the F3 Denver Mustangs meet up there.  http://benhambrothers.com/  I am considering leading an F3 Bible study on their book "Living Among Lions"  http://livingamonglionsbook.com/ 
  • I had a text confirming that the remaining pax did 3 more sets for the 911 memorial workout.  Nice job men.
  • T-claps to our BRR brothers!  Finished strong!  Impressive Strava runs.  Can't wait to hear some stories.  Will be SO good to have you guys back in the mix.  Little afraid of the running workouts coming soon…
  • Have a great weekend fellas!

It was a real honor to lead you guys.
