A B-day Beatdown, with a Tantrum/On-Star Collision

Not listed in Pax above:  Band Camp (I need to find out the origin of that nickname…)

Also not listed above:  Olaf and Rocket, who were there in the gloom at 5:05, but nowhere to be found at 5:10 when we launched.

On YHC's 45th birthday, the forecast stated there was to be a 95% chance of rain at 5 and 6AM.  15 pax arrived in the gloom with bday wishes for The Force and confidence that the 5% chance of dryness would be enough.  And it was, other than the humidity…  Here's the soggy story:


The usual – Lap around the park, SSHs, ISTs, Cotton Pickers, Palms to the ground and walk it out to plank, Mountain Climbers then finally Merkins.  All IC, all counts of 15 w/ the exception of the merkins, which were a count of 10 (why?  Because it's The Force's birthday).

The Thang:

I needed to pull from an old, gently used workout from the past, so when one of the first YHC came across at the house in the workout drawer was a good one from the Wilderness and already in a ziploc, YHC knew this WIB was the way to go, given the forecast.

Joggy-jog to Queens Corner, top for the Good Morning Burpee (Pax circled up, took turns doing 1 burpee and introducing yourself to the pax).  Quadrophelia to the Pain Clock at the top of the hill.  Partner up!

Partner 1 = Run around the clock, when you get back to Partner 2, turn around and go back (looks better on paper than in motion – see Moleskine for details).  Partner 2 = curb kickers until Partner 1 returns from 2nd lap.  Flapjack!

Get a new partner!

Partner 1 = Slide-shuffle to 12 o'clock, then back (facing the same way so that you're pushing off with the other foot now).  This could have also been a hazard, but Tantrum proactively selected On-Star as his partner for this round. Brilliant!  Partner 2 = Merkins

Get a new partner!

Partner 1 bear crawl left.  Partner 2 bear crawl right.  When you meet up, you're done.  Mosey to the weight room (rock pile).

Get a new partner!

Partner 1, full curls while Partner 2 runs to Queens Corner and pack up.  Flapjack.

Get a new partner!

Partner 1, Skull Crushers while Partner 2 runs around the pain clock and back.  Flapjack.

Should've grabbed a new partner here, YHC forgot to announce (getting tired AND old).

Partner 1, Shoulder Press while Partner 2 runs down to Queens Corner and back up.  Flapjack.

Get a new Partner!

Partner 1, Bent Over Rows while Partner 2 runs around the pain clock and back.  Flapjack.

Get a new Partner!

On your six, face your partner, lock ankles and sit-ups with rock, passing it back and forth at the top.

Put your rocks back, mosey to Queens Corner.  

Freddie Mercury x 15 IC, various speeds.  Mosey up to the playground.  Partner up!  Next is pull-up… never mind – not enough space or time.  Mosey to Home Court.

Partner Up!  Last time!

Partner Leg Throw-Downs.

MWAR (Mary With A Rope) – some oldies but goodies here.


Birthday Candle Flame-out Moleskine:

"Starting Position" for the first exercise of Warm-o-rama does NOT mean "that", Tantrum.  #ewe

The lap around the circle, say hello to your partner, then turn around and go back around – this proved to be hazardous when On-Star (ya know, the company you call when you've had an accident) turned around and BULLDOZED right over Tantrum.  Get this guy at middle linebacker, Panthers!  But not Tantrum – he went down like the Titanic, but less gracefully.

Band Camp stepped up and CRUSHED the rope today.  Impressive exertion of energy or release of his anger – not sure which.

I've always said there's no better way to start a day than by Qing an F3 workout, and thus this 45th bday started out the way it should.  T-Claps to the 14 men who challenged the forecast and joined me.  T-Claps to Bama and Thug for their years of EH attempts, but true T-Claps to Black Eyed Pea for getting enough beers in me at the pool 4+ summers ago to get me to try it.  Prayers for the Houston area and all those who are there helping or helping from afar.  
