A back-friendly backblast from Mighty Oak

FNG-1 = “Gru”?  I didn’t catch it clearly when he was explaining it to another pax during the workout, then I failed to follow up after COT.  I do not see a Gru or Gruve or Groove or anything close on the pax list.  We think it’s Gru like from Despicable Me (YHC hasn’t seen the movie)

YHC has been on the IR since posting at this very location the day before Thanksgiving.  Thanks, Kosar!  Whatever we did with the blocks that day has been violently protested by my back ever since.  Big Mean thanks you for the business.

Basic warm-o-rama with short/slow mosey, grab blocks, circle up for the usual exercises, maybe a few extra that might stretch the back a little more…

The Thang was very lower-back-friendly, but hopefully the pax will feel it in a good way tomorrow (100 chest presses drew some protest and whining).  We did 5 sets of chest presses (4 x 24, 1 x 4).  Some very safe full curls while using the wall for support.  Did some people’s chair (both cheating and non-cheating), lots of glute bridges, some pre-Mary ab work (anything laying on our backs) and YHC sent the pax on a short mosey at one point to keep them warm.  A highly recommended forward fold and/or dead lift with and without block for a back alignment stretch.

Blocks back, mosey around the building to where YHC had whipped out my big, long, thick, black… rope before the workout.  

MWAR with a couple more back-friendly exercises along the way compliments of Big Mean (but free of charge to the pax).



Hope the pax got enough of a workout.  It was a relief and a joy to get back out with the pax for the first time in 2 weeks.

Big Mean’s presence was felt throughout the workout.

YHC met some pax YHC had not met before – love that, and some YHC had not seen recently or much of.  Had YHC been gone that long?  Nah – this is the beauty of posting a different locations, mixing up the schedule.  It’s grand – try it.

I’m one more Q closer to earning that patch.  Like the NCAA committee – I can be bought!

I’ll see ya for the next two weeks as I Q and/or co-Q with other awesome patch-seekers.
