A Back to Work Anniversary Workout

Disclaimer – I'm not a professional- I have been employed for a year now, but still not an F3 professional.

The Quick Warm-o-Rama:
Got laid off 2-22-17 – SSHs
Had worked at Lowes 15 years – ISTs
Joggy Jog to Pkwy/Prestwoods

Separation date was 4-23 – cotton pickers 

Start date at Metrolina Greenhouses was Thursday, June 1. 1 burpee.
Metrolina has 15M acres. 15 Body Builders (yeah – now I remember those sucking a year ago)

To the house!

Projects I'd completed during the 3 month "vacation":
Show the lawn/yard
Painted 8 shutters – 8 slow squats
Cut back 5 crepe myrtle trees – to the bottom and back. FIVE TIMES!  Hardest project = hardest exercise
Trimmed 10 shrubs – Carolina DDs

Back to the Parkway

Painted 5 doors 10 front and backs – partner up for 5 helping hands each arm. 

To Home Court for rocks

Painted 29 trim boards,5 cabinet sides – curls 12,12,10 Added 4 new racks to laundry room with 8 additional shelves – 8 skull crushers 
One new dryer – The Burpee. 
Visited 5 colleges (& 1 HOF) – 6 Rows IC 
Planted 50+ plants – as many curls as u can do as u walk ur rocks back to the pile. 

Circle up on bball court. Mind benders while:
Hung 1 ceiling fan
Built 1 new ramp to the storage shed

Played 12 rounds of golf (3 birdies, 2 back to back in same round) Took 2 vacations – airborne mind bender x slow 2 count Vacations totaled 8 nights -Shoulder Touch Merkins (Snake Eyes) 
Drank beer with lunch est 8 times – Repeato Shoulder Touch 

Spread 65 bags of mulch – 65 low flutters single count!
I'd been off for 98 days
15 LBCs IC
10 merkins IC
10 Freddie Mercuries IC
14 Ws IC
Posted an estimated 56 times (28 Rosalitas single count, lost 12 more lbs on my way to being down 23.5 lbs, then lost 5 more, and since have gained 5 of those lbs back (12 WW2 sit-ups)
Went to coffeteria approx 30 times (15 power knees each side!)

Mortimer:  Box Cutters
Snoopy:  1 min Plank

Recover Recover and Back To Work!!!!!!!!

On-the-clock Moleskine:
While it was only 72 degrees in the gloom, the humidity was "only" 89%.  Yuck.
Great to have first-timer Snoopy out to the Wilderness today (we think he was checking in on Ultraman to ensure he was following dr's orders) and great to have Mort for the first time in a long time.
T-Claps to Ultraman and Megaphone.  Ultra has a broken foot and I believe it is Mega's hip that has him ordered to no running (ever again).  Despite these seemingly significant setbacks, these guys continue to post in the gloom on scooters and bikes.  They audible where needed, but they keep up, don't complain and arguably get as good or better workout than the rest of us.  I'm sure they think they need the 3 Fs and that's why they're there, but the pax needs their leadership and inspiration.  If these guys can come and push it, how can we not be inspired by their determination?
This was a last-min call to anniversary the Q from a year ago, my 1st day at Metrolina.  Thanks again to F3Nation for always having my back, always lifting me up, always offering to help and of course for all the coffeterias, beer-lunches, HDHHs, etc.  As I said in COT – keep your family and your friends close, follow God's guidance and give your problems and concerns to HIM – he'll show you the way and your family and friends will be there with you.  I could not be happier and feel more fortunate.