A bakers dozen for the Birkdale 500 in honor of Callahan

Warm-O Rama

1 lap job around parking lot

IST x 15 ic

Windmill x 15 ic

Toy Soldier x 15 ic

Merkin x 10 ic

Cotton Picker x 15 ic


Jog to bridge for the famous bridge across the Birkdale river

Bear Crawl under in rotations until we got to the end.


Jog back to parking lot

Birkdale 500

Run to top of parking lot with 25 merkins

Run to bottom of parking lot with 25 LBC's

Run to run to top of parking lot with 25 CCD's

Run to bottom of parking lot with 25 W's

Plank until everyone is finished






Pretzel Crunch x 15 ic

W's x 15 ic

Crunchy Frog  


Major props to Stray for his first beatdown in a long time. He was our Cotter and we are all glad to have you back!

Great work by all this morning. It was humid and we did a decent amout of work!

Blackbeard is now Blackbeard-less. He looks 20 lbs lighter as he has lost a ton of weight…..without the beard…… he looks 21 lbs lighter! 

With this being race week the Birkdale 500 was in order. Plus the pull up bars and monkey bar area was flooded….and I hate the tire. 

Thank you Auto for the opportunity to lead Arnies today! It's always an honor to get out with the guys who inspire me everday!!

Honor our military this weekend for the freedom and protection they provide us on a daily basis.