20 PAX posted at Mighty Jungle for an Old School beat down. Simple and full of sweat.
The Thang
- Storm Trooper
- Merkins
- Cotton Picker
- Mountian Climber
- Cross Leg Cotton picker
- Mosey to the field
- Bear crawl across the field
- Partner up and Wheel Barrow back and forth
- Bear crawl across the field
- Mosey to the lower area
- 10 Burpees – run around the loop
- 20 Mountain Climber – run around the loop
- 30 Air Squats – run around the loop
- 40 Lunge squats – run around the loop
- 50 SSH – run around the loop
- 60 sec of Plank – quadraffilia up the hill run back
- 50 Cross Leg Lung Squats- quadraffilia up the hill run back
- 40 SSH – quadraffilia up the hill run back
- 30 Air Squats – quadraffilia up the hill run back
- 20 Peter Parker – quadraffilia up the hill run back
- 10 Man Maker Merkins – quadraffilia up the hill run back
- 60 sec of peoples chair
- Balls to the wall
- 60 sec of peoples chair with air presses
- Balls to the wall
- 60 sec of peooples chair with touch the walls
- 20 low flutter on the curb
- 20 LBC on the curb
- 10 staggered Merkins on the curb
- 20 WW2 sit-ups
- 10 staggered Merkins other arm on the curb
- 5 sit-ups with stand up
- mosey to the pull up bars
- 10 pull ups
- Some stretching
- 10 more pull ups
- mosey back to the AO
- 5 one leg foward bends, right leg then left leg
- 20 crunchy frogs
The Moleskin
- Jerry, an FNG,lives next door to the Mighty Jungle and finally posted after many Saturday mornings being woke up by a bunch of guys doing crazy stuff.
- Bones and Little Buddy posed but are not in the list.
- Tried to keep this a body weight workout like in the old days before we discover blocks and built pull up bars.
- To please the pax, a few pull-ups were added at the end. Who knew such a love for the pull up bars has developed.
- Brought a few new unique excercises which resulted in mumble chatter and jazz hands and ultimately a little dirty dancing between Holiday and Gnarly Goat.