A BRR-friendly run-free workout of 21’s

As expected, given F3LKN’s high participation rate in the BRR, a smaller crowd of 9 emerged during this AM’s gloom cycle for a workout at the General. @Magnus had considered converging TG with another AO but when I saw the opening on the calendar last week I jumped at the chance to Q one of my favorite AOs.  Two for the standard (@KidRock & @Soprano).

Much to nobody’s surprise, I declared this a run-free workout.

Disclaimer Offered

[Side Note: after the delivery @Soprano said he liked it, so if it helps anyone out there this is roughly what I said: “This is a free, volunteer, peer-led workout. I am not a professional. I have no knowledge of your physical condition. It is your responsibility to be safe and to modify the exercises where necessary.”  Source]


  • Immediately called out (by @Toxic?) for not doing the pledge
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Windmill
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Cotton Picker
  • Walk, not mosey, to the nearest baseball outfield


The Thang

Today’s Routine was “Twenty-Ones”.  Very easy to understand. The PAX had no questions the entire time. Mumblechatter was polite and non-suggestive regarding any alternative workouts.


thang(){ Console.WriteLine("Circle up in the grass. You will get wet."); int j = 21; for (int i = 1; i <= 21; i++) { merkin.do(i);  /// on the Q's down situp.do(i);     /// on the Q's up. Any sit-up is fine, WWI, WW2, school yard, crunch, whatever if (i%3 == 0) { switch(i) { case 3: squat(copperhead).do(j, sets=2); break; case 6: mountainclimbers().do(j, 2); Q.requestCount(10, anybody); break; case 9: crabcake().do(j, 2); break; case 12: monkeyhumper().do(j, 2); break; case 15: imperialstormtrooper().do(j, 2); break; case 18: imperialstormtrooper(hillbilly).do(j, 2); Q.requestCount(10, anybody); break; default: pax.recover(); break; } } }}



  • Monkey Humpers (@roadie)
  • Shoulder Touch Merkins (@98-Degrees)
    • Requested while @SnakeEyes was present too! Shock and awe ensued
  • Box Cutters (@toxic)
  • Recover Recover



  • Thanks @Magnus for the opportunity to Q The General. The absence of coffee was mentioned multiple times. Same for the lack of the Pledge of Allegiance. – proof The General’s PAX appreciate those two features of this great AO
  • Before the prayer, I took a moment to talk about F3’s creedo, “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.” Expanding on that, I mentioned how important I believe it is to reach out to PAX that you haven’t seen in a while and see how they’re doing. They could be just fine and hitting other AOs, but they could also be nursing an injury or they could be in a pattern of disengagement. We never know what’s going on in somebody’s lives, but as men get older, it’s common for them to let friendships lapse and fall into depression. I asked that the PAX just remember that and as they go about their lives, try to offer some kind words to people, compliment strangers, say hi, and so on.


Age Stats for Nerds

  • Mean: 43.8 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 44 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 44 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 49 (highest age)
  • Min: 37 (lowest age)
  • Standard Deviation: 3.49205 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)