A Change of Latitude

Event Date

Dec 19, 2015



On the Saturday before Christmas, two men posted at the Riverbend club. The boss decided this was a good opportunity to explore a new location. Transportation was provided to the Overlook Lake Park.

Side straddle hop x 10
TS X 10
IST x 10
Butt kicks down the parking lot.
High knees to the boat ramp
Karaoke up and back down the boat parking lot

The thang:
Jacobs ladder: 11 count dips/declines
Mosey to basketball court
Jump squats to half court
Bear crawl to end line
Lunges to half court
LBCs 20 IC
Mason twists x 10 IC
Twisted LBCs x 10 IC each leg

Jacobs ladder again – dips/declines

Jog up path and about 2-3 blocks back to park

Step ups x 10 each leg
Legs on swing – Push up / knee up IC X 10

Mosey to boat lot. Bear crawl half way up 1/2 of hill, crab walk down other side
Sprint hill, mosey back with roller garbage bin (to replace at park)
Calf raises x 20
Circle of fire (abs, arms, legs)
Repeat X 2


Always great to spend time with Arizona. Looking forward to catching up with the gang during Christmas break.