A Chilly Excelsior


Calypso, Wingman, Dallas, Turnpike, Labon and myself (Tweetsie) hit the wildly popular, ever brisk, RR10K at around 5:05am. Great run, men. You pushed the pace and kick-started your Saturday.


The PAX took a slow mosey run around the parking lot to get the lungs and heart pumping before some group warm up exercises.

SSH x 30

Windmill x 20

Cotton Picker x 16

Toy Soldier x 15


Partner up. Partner 1 runs a lap around the track while Partner 2 does Pull-Ups, in the playground, AMRAP until Partner 1 returns. Flip Flop. 

Partner 1 runs a lap around the track while Partner 2 does Squats, AMRAP until Partner 1 returns. Flip Flop.

Partner 1 runs a lap around the track while Partner 2 does Merkins, AMRAP until Partner 1 returns. Flip Flop.

Partner 1 runs a lap around the track while Partner 2 does WWII sits ups, AMRAP until Partner 1 returns. Flip Flop.

Partner 1 runs a lap around the track while Partner 2 does Lunge Walks, AMRAP until Partner 1 returns. Flip Flop.

The PAX then decended onto the Football Field for some Punt and Run excersizes. Each PAX took a turn giving it their best Michael Palardy (newest Carolina Panther Punter), while the rest of the PAX chased down the long punts. First person to the football became the next punter. All 11 PAX punted and sprinted the length of the field and are ready to be signed by the Panthers.


Low Flutter x 30

Touch dem Heels x 20

The W x 15



I was super impressed with the turn out of PAX. Turnpike gave me a "manage your expectations" speech as we took off on the #standard RR10K saying "It's December, and the turnout might be light." I'm not certain about what a "normal" excelsior should look like, so I combined a little running and bootcamp and football. Perfect combo for this motivated PAX.

Each week I am reminded of the gift you men are to me. 2.5 years ago, Jimmy O's faithful and consistent EHing, of me, finally paid off when I posted at GCC for a Bogey Q. What started as a journey to get in shape, morphed into friendships with each of you that I consider my brothers. I signed up to run BRR and Huntersville Half. Neither of which I would ever have the courage to do without your motivation and confidence in me. I'm particularly grateful to my BRR team (Bad News), for each of you inspire me. In fact, I am convinced that you imspire the whole F3 Isotope community.

I know there are guys in our community that need this. I'm EHing 3 men right now. Who are you reaching out to invite into this brotherhood? 


Christmas Party is Tonight

December 12-17, for no particular reason, is going to be #preacherweek where I will Q a workout each day. Each workout will include a Bible verse that you will have memorized by the end of the workout, as well as some authentic conversation starters from the heart of this pastor. #goodnewsofgreatjoy