A circuit was born…

Event Date

Feb 22, 2022

YHC noticed a vacancy on the calendar last night and happily filled it for his first Q on the east side of the lake. Arriving at the AO a little bit early to get the lay of the land I noticed a moderately sized tire hiding in the dark that caught my eye. It was full of water, so I figured we had better empty it out for no other reason than to keep it from rotting. What better way to do that than flipping it over and over and over. A circuit was born.


Warm Up

-Stretching (ROL, LOR, DTM)

-Side Straddle Hops

-Toy Soldiers

-Mountain Climbers

-Arm Circles


The Thang

-Mosey to the block pile

-Circuit time (x2)

  *Tire Flips

  *Farmers Carry (50 yards ish)

  *Pull Ups

  *Curb Jump Ups

  *Should Press

-Lap Around the parking lot

-Circuit time (x2)

  *Tire Flips

  *Farmers Carry (50 yards ish)

  *Pull Ups

  *Curb Jump Ups

  *Should Press

-Lap Around the parking lot

-Circuit time (x1)

  *Tire Flips

  *Farmers Carry (50 yards ish)

  *Pull Ups

  *Curb Jump Ups

  *Should Press


-Jack Knife LBCs

-American Hammer


Mumble Chatter

-Mumble chatter didn’t really exist (at least I didn’t hear much) as most were just trying to breathe

-Ponce was doing one arm tire flips #BeastMode

-I don’t think the laps were a crowd favorite but at least your arms got a break…

-The pull up bar is a little too high for my jump ups. Guess I got to get lighter and stronger. (or taller)

-Thanks for letting me lead and joining me today