A ConJungle Visit

YHC headed to the Jungle this morning with no idea what sort of workout might ensue.  While enroute, it occurred to me that May is Military Appreciation Month, so it might be good to dispense a helping of military discipline on the unruly pax of MJ… you know… so they could appreciate it.  Predictably, the training went awry immediately as the group proved unable to march, unwilling to count cadence, and generally stubborn and resistant to good order and discipline on all fronts.  Despite Canuck's Libertarian rebellion, the platoon eventually acquiesced to some semblance of military order.  The Force used all his fingers in a good attempt at standing at attention, Rocket made progress on his left and right facing movements, and Blackbeard proved the longstanding naval truth that "the only happy sailor is a bitching sailor."   After a good bit of physical training, the platoon conducted a disheveled but earnest platoon run with jodies.  That's a win!  Just when YHC thought the platoon was becoming battle-ready, a true Devil Dog emerged and decimated the platoon.  At that point Canuck opined that it might be best if we just all hunker down and make an effort at learning Chinese.  Along the way we did a bunch of strength, some cardio, and even some mobility.  These pax may not be military grade, but YHC appreiciates them anyway, and hopes they enjoyed this week's conJungle visit.  Pax tibi.