Well, 8 hardcharging hecklers were rounded up at Paininsula this brisk 71 degree Tuesday morn to start their day off strong. It goes like this…
Warm-up: Mosey to another spot in the parking lot and do: SSH's, Stretching (yes, this is a warm-up) Cotton-Pickers and Spider Man crawls.
The Thang:
- Mosey over to the Harris Teeter wall, or over near the dumpster as the Pax referred.
- 5 "Upside-Downers" (My new lexicon for upside down merkins)
- Scorpion Carolina Dry Docks x 20
- Merkins x 12
- Courtsey Squat (My new exercise)
- Mosey to new rock pile and pick one up
- Curls x 15
- Overhead press x 15
- Skull crusher x 15
- Courtsey Squat, yes with rock x 12
- Mosey back to wall, ahem, dumpster
- I believe Dr. LIFO arrived about this time at 0557 (Outlaw)
- Repeato on all above exercises, including the Courtsey Squat
- Mosey back to rock pile and pick one
- Repeato including my new exercise the Courtsey Squat
- Mosey back to the Wall
- Repeato all of the above exercises, including the Courtsey Squat
- The Mason Twist x 25
- The Crunchy Frog x 20
- Rosalita x 20
- The W x 20
- The Dying Cockroach x 20
- And the crowd favorite "The Glute Bridge" x 15
The Naked Moleskin:
- Well, Outlaw called me personally to Q Paininsula since I am moving, so of course I obliged. Where the hell was he at 0525? God only knows. Low and behold he shows up at the rock pile at 0557, really, wow, that takes LIFO to a new level. Glad you made it regardless.
- Could there be any more mumblechatter from 7 dudes, apparently no!
- I am proud to have introduced a very new exercise called the "Courtsey Squat". Yes, my wife taught it to me, but I believe it is a good one. Try it sometime, it is an F3 keeper.
- Grenade took the Courtsey Squat to an all new level and actually did "Courtsey" the whole time.
- Mattie Ice working the achillies, let's rehab him right
- MacBeth had the "Gun show" going on.
- Hollywood making it happen
- Kingfish was sweating like Hades Inferno due to his incesant heckling
Thanks guys, such a pleasure to Q and always enjoyable.
You guys are the best, F3 is the best and I am a better man because of all of you!