A day of remembrance

All credit goes to 9 Lives for the idea. YHC wanted to do something similar as did 6 other fine men. The goal: to honor! Here’s how!


YHC surveyed the fence around the football field…..locked.

Mater counted the steps at launch pad…14

2200 steps were recommended by 9Lives so we divided 2200/14 =158 (rounded up) 

 had to go down to go back up so we divided 158/2 =79 reps of the steps

we began….

we completed…

realizing the men and women who ran up those towers weren’t counting steps on that heroic day 23 years ago, we continued….

Travolta, who continued counting reached 135 reps! If my math is correct that is 3780 steps.

0612 we begin a reflection of thanksgiving for those that sacrificed on 9/11 and the wars that followed. We also remembered Jesus Christ who was sent to die for us so that we can live eternally as long as we repent, believe and FOLLOW Him.

we prayed for healing (cancer), loved ones overseas (serving our country), friends in SC (overcome with addiction), friends (going through divorce), and that those who perished on 9/11 knew their savior.

pleasure to lead on this day if remembrance!

