A different kind of relay at HalfLife

The Pax were promised a beautlful 42 degress and fun, and they were given a rather cold and damp 38 degrees and hopefully fun.  25 men woke up this morning to get better and help others do the same, here is their story:

0500 – 7 Goat busters arrive and 3 incognitians arrive…the Goat Busters lifted heavy stuff and the Incogs ran.  Then they perfromed the fight scene West Side Story.  Unfortunatly throwing blinky lights and Gu packets isn't the best defense to 7 guys swinging KBs!  We live to play another day!!!

0530 – Take a mile loop around BRP and meet up at the track

When we met up, we divided up into groups of 4 based on finish time of the 1 mile run.

The relay rules, all four guys start running, one at race pace, 3 at a pace of their choosing.  3 of the 4 guys must stay together at all times around the track and they can switch when the race pace guy makes a full lap around the track to catch his team.  The plan was for each Pax to go twice.  Our team lost a man (more on that later) and we had a total of 5 turns to go. 

Then we finished at 0610 and Jedi led some stretching among cries for the return of recover!

The Scuttlebut:

Honored to see so many guys come out for a running workout in the cold, the numbers made it fun!

The workout was desinged to push guys but also create teamwork.  I saw several Pax running backwards on the track to go get their guy.  #nomanleftbehind

We lost one guy after the first couple laps, recovering from an injury/illness i believe but heal up Westside!

when the clock hit 0610, my team (Grey Ghost & Dingo) were in the lead, therefore we win!

Now, where is my Yeti???

Great showing from the Goat Busters, and I think they have shown they really don't care about Don Ho.  Hey Don Ho, the offer from last year to abandon them and join up with the Incogs is still on the table.  Just so you know 🙂

Several guys getting ready for the P200, looking forward to some good times with all the teams in Charleston in two months!

Also, Hippie apparently has been sharing his stash with the students from Hough High, the smell in the parking lot brought me back to…nevermind, im sure its medicinal.

Missing Beattlejuice and Freepass, hope your zumba is going well!  See you when it gets warm.

Thanks to Kumquat for allowing me another opportunity to Q since I had to bail a few weeks back and thanks to Black Eyed Pea for introducing me to F3.  It is his refusal to attend my Qs that keeps me motiviated…just hoping one day he will show up after forgetting that I am Qing.  Stray, I feel your pain.  That being said he gave me a great gift, are you willing to share this gift with somebody?  They may be praying for something like this right now!  Be BOLD!
