A Dirty Dozen’s Gathering

Twelve men gathered…..gather they did at The Rock to see what would happen when Mailman had to make a last minute handoff to YHC for the reigns in the AM.  Brushless rucked, Honeymoon, Rentacop and Loveshack ran (at a medium pace) for #thestandard…..as you can imagine.  The restuvus loosened, chatted, speculated, then clocked in at exaclty 5:30.

Mozy to a 'new' parking lot:

COP (IC): SSH 20, IST 20, WM's 10, Heel Slappers 10, Mericans 10, MC's 15.  Mozy to Ferguson parking lot.

Iron chair, 20 mil presses IC, slalom jump single and double parking curbs, preacher's chair, heel slappers (outside this time!) 15 IC.  Incline Mericans 10.  Mozy to Tires:

THE THANG: Tire stations, partner up, six pairs-timer is pushing one tire to light and back, other stations include, but are not limited to, Incline Mericans, step up/jump up, flip tire and jump/hop/step through, two man tire flip of 'heavy' tire, tug-o-war.  Ten (10) burpees.  Repeato of stations.

Indian Run back to The Brickyard.  IC-Dips 15, Declines 10, Dips 10, Low Flutter LOTS. Recover, recover.


-This Q ended 30 seconds early to accomodate those still adjusting to the time change.

-The heal slappers continue to get scorned, mocked, and disrespected.  I remember a candidate recently to which that happened……

-The effort on this one was impressive, especially after the first tire circuit.  You see, it was necessary to assess a 10 burpee penalty due to the insufficient effort given by the Pax, according to the Q.  The Pax responded in kind and ostensibly blew the rest of the post out of the water.

-War Daddy-Lear- was the leader of our esteemed Respects, which also included Sentaor, Usain, Ticktock, and Deepend.  Simply said, these guys are awesome and each hold my deepest respect.

-Upon the mozy down to the tires, Loveshack informed me that tires had been done about 3 weeks ago, so I do apologize for the repetition.   However I was not there 3 weeks ago, AND 12 is SUCH A NICE number to take TO the tires!!!

-Mailman, you were missed!  However, the #familyfirst moniker lives on.  We hope the kids got up and off to school with only minor mayham:-/

-The 'vibe' this AM was really good, so thanks to the Pax, thanks for the Mumblechatter, and thanks for the hugs (not necessary) at the end.  It was all good.

-Usain steers Wheels tomorrow.  Ticktock will teach bodily destruction at 5:30 on Friday at Salty

-PAY IT FORWARD 5K- launches at 8:30 AM this Saturday from Stumpy.  IF you can, please attend!!