A dog at a KB workout? I guess we’re running!

We had a Baker's dozen plus a Boar Dog for what was intended to be a no-running beatdown.  But Boar Dog gave those pitiful puppy dog eyes, so we added in some laps.  Here's what we did:


SSH, IST, Cotton Picker, Windmill

The Thang (I think):

12, 10, 8 reps, mostly in cadence of the following, with a lap after each group of 3 exercises:

Curls, KB Swings (OYO), Squat to Press

Chest Press, Horizontal Skull Crusher, KB LBC

Lawnmower left, Lawnmower right, Calf Raise

Upright Row, Lunge (OYO), Russian Twist

Curls, Squats, Vertical Skull Crushers


Low Dolly, Freddie Mercury, J-Lo


– Greatly appreciate Bagboy taking us out.  It's awesome to see you back out in the gloom

– Also great to see the other PAX that came out in spite of injuries – Jersey Boy, Special Sauce, Shaken (these are the ones I know about)– you could have said you were injured and just fartsacked, but you didn't.  T-Claps

– Soprano didn't think Lawnmower left and right should count as two exercises — but we did the full set of reps for each, so I don't see the problem 

– That poor dog — just wanted to run.  It would have been cruel to stay in the circle the whole time (which was what I had planned)

– Omega still trying to Master Q it even though Stapler is now MQ was quite funny – some talks of "taking care of" Omega.  So if he goes missing, check the Pax list above and we can narrow down the list of suspects 😉

– Announcements:  Christmas Party first week of December, Jolly Ball in a couple weeks, Vern tomorrow.  

– Saturday marked my 5th year in F3, and in LKN.  You guys have made our new home here so much better– I appreciate you all.
