A Dose Of Ditka For Davidson

Great job by everyone today on Da Green in Davidson!  Heister only Pax not in list above.  Here's how it went down today.

Warmorama: SSHX40 / Cotton PickerX15 / Slow Mercians / Mosey to DUMC parking lot

Da Thang:

  • Football Foot Chops / Burpees
    • Chopping feet in place, we went around the horn (there were 15 of us) and each time it got to you, we all did a burpee.  So, that would be 15 burpees to get our heart rates up a bit.
  • Descending Curb Crawls/Lunges
    • Crawl from curb to other side of lot, 10 mericans. Lunge back, 9 curb mericans, repeato all the way until 1. 55 mericans to keep the heart rate up.
  • Grab a block
    • 15 Blockees (burpees with blocks) OYO.  Heart rate back up….and it's about to get even faster…
  • Sprints – line of four, sprint to trash cans.  Catch breath, sprint (faster this time) back to start point, and one more time back to trash cans (this time even faster).  Sprints are a killer, but so good!
  • Mosey to LKNC across the street. 
    • Partner Up
      • Partner 1 = run around LKNC School
      • Partner 2 = burpee pullups until partner gets back
      • Flapjack
      • Genghis Khan asked "repeato?"  YHC – "nope, something worse…"
    • Same partners
      • Hillbarrows (or Hellbarrows) up hill by school field.  
      • Partner one holds others feet, wheelbarrows up the hill and then back down the hill.  Flapjack.
      • Done?  Nope – Crawl Bear up the hill to the top.
    • Mosey to the wall
      • People's Chair – give our arms/shoulders/chest a rest
      • Balls to the Wall – YHC SLOWWWW count down from 10.  I always wait for one guy to cave, then I will pick up the pace on the countdown. 
    • Run (not mosey) back to DUMC lot
    • Grab your block
      • CurlsX15IC
      • Shoulder PressX15IC
      • Skull CrushersX10IC (block might have fallen on head going for 15 at this point)
    • SLOW Mericans – YHC calls down, HOLD IT, count down from 5, and UP.  Repeato X5…the last one we counted down from 10.  #chestonfire
    • Return blocks
    • Back to the Green? – nope
    • Run to picnic tables behind Summit area 
      • Picnic Table Presses – 10…oh wait, let's add 5 more.  YHC has some beasts on my table so easy work for me!
    • Mosey to brick wall
      • Tricep Dips X 10IC
      • Decline Merican X8IC (YHC's chest was on fire so ended short of 10) #badformgetsyouinjured
    • Mosey to Green – Arrive at 0615 on the dot!
    • Recover Recover


  • Great job again by all this AM!  There were a few "you're the Q today Ditka….oh $%&#…"  #devo  I figured with NCAA game late tonight, folks will sleep in tomorrow…so might as well work hard today!  
  • Sorry it's been a while since I have been to Davidson on Da Green lately, but still hanging with my posey back in Huntersville a lot.  They hold me accountable for sure.  It's a daily headlock with them and a text string of 15 guys!  I look forward to more time in Davidson though…5 min drive vs. 15.
  • Some of you had a little PTSD from the last time I Q'd here and introduced the curb crawls.  Good times by all!
  • Ball Bearing – I give you most improved since the last time I worked out with you.  Last year, when Tater had the Q, you were enjoying your time in the six position and I was pushing you along.  Now…I am positive you wouldn't be in the six in Tater's workout anymore.  Good grief – you are a beast now.  The power of the 1st F in F3 on display today!  Amazing.
  • Special Sauce needs another block for his curls!  #huge
  • Tater – got his sprint on HIGH GEAR in round 3 of the sprints. #blewpastme
  • Was it Squiggy who said to me at the end – "I will vote for you to be one of the most hated Q's…"  That's exactly what I told Duvall I wanted when I signed up.  
  • As for the rest of you – amazing job by all.  I hope everyone is a little bit more sore today/tomorrow/the next day so you know you did something good for your body today.  
  • Thanks to Duvall for putting me on the books and I look forward to spending more time here and taking the Q again in the near future!

Until next time – Ditka…out!  #goheels