A dozen for a grab-bag-style KB beatdown

* 3 met The Standard with a 2.5 mile run…Auto, Smokey, Gray Ghost

12 warriors descended upon the vast Cauldron AO with kettlebells in hand.  All seemed eager to get their last 45 min beatdown in prior to the weekend.  YHC had a plan and was looking forward to seeing how it all shook out.  Made our way to the monkey-bars.

50 SSH in cadence

10 soy-bean farmers in cadence

The Plan:

– There is a bucket with strips of paper under the 3rd basket ball hoop.  Each strip of paper has an exercise listed.  The bucket is about 1/20th of a mile away.  One pax runs to the bucket and brings back an exercise and tags the next runner.  The pax all do the exercise until the next pax returns.  YHC had an exercise in hand to kick it off…the WW2 situp with KB.  Here are the exercises we got in today, not in order:

– Swings

– Darcy-swings

– pull-ups

– chin-ups

– low-flutter with static kb in cadence

– upright row IC

– KB Merkins IC

– Thrusters IC

– Lawn Mowers IC

– Halo's IC

– Dips IC

– J-Lo IC

– Pickle Pounders IC

Stack the Bookshelf IC

– Lunges with trunk rotation IC

– Goblet Squats IC

– Crazy Ivan's IC

– Plank Rows IC

– Skull-Crushers IC

– Full-Curls IC

– Al Gore with KB

– KB Burpees

– Tea-Bag Squat IC

– Balls to the Wall

– People's Chair w/Curls IC


– YHC was not clear with the initial instructions apparently as Valet returned with bucket in hand.

– One exercise "dropped" out of the bucket along the way and we never got to do it…Stack the bookshelf. 

– Frogger accused YHC of taping the last exercise to the bottom of the bucket to ensure we did it last…the KB burpee.  Mumble-chatter overheard was true, "this is an Uncle Rico exercise". 

– Auto is looking for input on what size KB to purchase.  He suggested 25lb which was promptly shot down by the pax. 

– We did dips forever.  Finally someone noticed that there was no-one running.  We sent a runner, SpongeBob I believe, and did skull-crushers until he got back since we hadn't worked our triceps enough. 

– We got 25 different exercises in, 28 including warm-a-rama, and the closing 1-min plank.  Good work men!!!

– Plenty of announcements and prayer requests this morning…engaged pax for sure.
