A Few of My Favorite Things

Greetings Pax, 

The following happened Saturday May 29, 2021 at the one and only ELHS-Mustang AO of the great Denver, NC.

YHC was the Q, and returned, for the moment, from a year+ break.

Disclaimer provided

Warm Up:

SSH x20 IC

Mountain Climbers 15x IC

Quick mosey to flag pole

Conduct 10 merkins on the curb IC with a horizontal squat to the curb. There is a name for these in the Exicon; however, I am unable to locate. My attempt was to conduct my own merkin also in the Exicon (punch-up merkin), but I Q failed on this one. The motions are IC 1 – down, 2 – up, 3 squat to curb, 4 or 1 – return to starting position.

Divide into two groups: Group 1 lunge walk around circle Group 2 conduct aforementioned merkins…flapjack

The Thing

Mosey to bus parking lot

Divide Pax into 5 groups:

  • 4 groups based on each corner of a square
    • Burpees
    • LBC
    • Mtn Climbers
    • Something else that I have forgotten
  • Group 5
    • King of the event (in the center)
    • This individual competes against anyone who would like to challenge
    • The King places the loser of the challenge to whichever corner (above) that he would like
    • The challenge is one round of PRS
    • Anyone is able to challenge, and you must be ready to run to the center to compete

Mosey to courtyard area behind school

Play dodgeball, with three soft foam balls.

If hit, one would bearcrawl off the field and perform two burpees in order to return. The same would happen to a PAX if their throw was caught by another.

Mosey to practice field

Bear v Crab soccer (one of my favs since most others hate it)

Group 1 crab walks Group 2 bearcrawls, and a game of soccer is born. Goalies for each team must stay in plank position. After each score the groups flip.

Quick game of vertical, or real, soccer began for the last 5ish minutes


Round Robin style Mary

Reflection and prayer (Spork)

On our way

TY all! Take care, be kind, do something different, and ask for help.
