A few taper Miles

Event Date

Sep 05, 2016


Lap around bus lot

SSH X 25

IST X 25

Mtn Climber X 25

Merkin X 15

Soybean/cherry/cotton picker X 15


Pull ups X 10

Step ups X 10 each leg

WW2 X 20



Derkin x 10

Dips X 15

Squat X 15



Pretzel lbc X 15

Running! – Pick up Jingle (he escates of copious amounts of monkey humpers in front of his friends/neighbors)


Jacknife LBC X 10 each side

Elbow plank for a while

Good to have a sunshine light run with the crew.  Welcome back to Olaf, and of course to Rocket as well, hope you enjoyed the mixed up run/pain.  I enjoy that path through latta, using the equipment at hand.

Fenway/Turnpike, you're both fast, thanks for heading back to get the 6

Thanks to Jaws who remembered the code to the playground.

Good luck to all headed to the BRR this week, stay safe and crush it!