A Flustered Q

Event Date

Aug 31, 2023

Excited to have the keys to The Caboose, I climbed out of the fart sack a few minutes earlier than usual.  Running on auto pilot in the predawn hours, I was comfortably on track to achieve my intention to be the first to arrive at the AO….until I realize The Caboose was a 5:15 and not a 5:30 start.  Fortunately, The Caboose is nomadic and I strategically selected to launch from a point near my house, so I was able to scramble and get there for an on-time start, albeit, a bit hot and flustered.

I was pleased to be greeted by 8 eager Pax, warmed up and ready to go on a glorious morning.  After a fly-by from Ponch running a Standard (before Wilderness I believe, well done Brother), I gleefully explained the “Treble Bone Saw” route plan that I thought was novel, and was therefore proud of, until Tantrum quickly point out that there are no new running routes for the dedicated athletes of F3.

With my pride now in check, and without time for any of my standard pre-run warm-up, we set off under the moon light to take on the Heartbreak-St.Marks-Mighty Oak hill triplet.  As we start to hit a nice stride, I begin to leave my early miscues behind me, until we hit the darkness under the tree canopy on Heartbreak Hill, when I realize that, in my earlier rush, I left my headlamp in my car.  Flustration levels rising in me again, I fall in behind Drebin, Chilly Willy and the bright neon lights worn by Tantrum.

Unled and undeterred, the brave Pax carry on, tackling the hills for 4, 4.5 or 5 miles.  Towards the end, after mistakenly hearing Ultraman and Drebin that there were some other 5-mile-chasers behind them, I chase up St. Marks hill after the Pax on their six, only to arrive at the top of the hill alone.  I hustle back to our launch at Grand Oak Elementary to find all the Pax patiently waiting for me once again!  Now, completely flustered and hurried, YHC launches into the COT and forgets the Namerama!  

Brothers, thanks for putting up with me and I hope a Flustered Q did not make it a Cluster F*** for you!

And thanks to Turnpike for allowing me to attempt to lead this fine group of men.  I promise to better next time.

Prayers went out to:

  • The family members of Toby, Jorel, Utraman, The Force, Enron and all other Pax and family members needed God’s healing hands
  • Thank the Lord for Rocket’s daughter escaping an obstacle crashing through her car’s windshield without harm to her
  • Those suffering losses from hurricane Idalia
  • The shooting victims in Florida and at the Univ of S. Carolina