A for Suck and F for inventivenes for Respect Q

10 men came to celebrate my respect Q. When YHC was a teenager a 50 year old man was one step from the grave. I am happy that F3 has afforded me a little more time. Yes, I did the obligatory 50 rep thing.


  • SSH X 25
  • Good Morning X 25
  • Toy soldier X 25
  • Peter Parker X 25

Grab Bells and go to access road at beginning of middle island.

  • Pax line up for exercise as group and do lap around island between each exercise. Rinse and repeat. All exercises in cadence unless otherwise stated.
    • Start with 50 swings
    • Mericans X 25
    • Thrusters X 25
    • Thrusters X 25
    • Sumo Squats X 25
    • Scissor sit-ups X 25
    • Curl to Press X 25 (LBC X 25 to catch wind)
    • Curl to Press X 25
    • Wide Merkins X 25
      • 50 swings
      • 50 mericans
      • 50 thrusters
      • 50 sumo squats
      • 50 scissor sit-ups
      • 50 curl to press
      • 50 wide merkins
      • 9 trips around the island

PAX partner. PAX one on one side of island and PAX two at the other. PAX two does burpees while PAX one runs to him. Once PAX one arrives, PAX two runs to other side while PAX one does Burpees. Repeat until each team hits 50 (of course)

Lap around access road back to bells. Mosey to cars for Mary.

  • LBC X 25
  • Leg Lifts (fast homer to marg) X 25
  • Pretzel Crunch 25 each side

Recover Recover


  • YHC felt his age today. A chest cold and 6 days of a food and alcohol bender on a Carnival Cruise hurt my performance.
  • It is an honor that Tweetsie said he wanted to be YHC when he grows up. Shoot higher than that brother. You will be ahead of me when you are 50.
  • Srappy had two comments  – One was inquiring if YHC had a tanning bed and the other was him insinuating that I skip leg day. (Answer key: Vacation and Yes)
  • Qbert stated that he wished I was not so old because I was holding everyone up.
  • Qbert wanted to play Hardcore wheels on the bus and it was met with a lot of resistence. DJ scaptastic played 90's alternative. Thank you.
  • MASTER PO (or slow according to Qbert) made what I imagine is a 60 minute round trip to come to the WO. Thanks Master PO! I miss you bro.
  • Thanks for your support everyone!!

