A foul morning in the Wilderness

9 men rolled out of the fart-sack this morning and into the cold damp Wilderness. The DRP was distributed and then we moved away from the cover of the clubhouse and out into the elements. Exercises done IC.


SSH – 25

Windmill – 15

IST – 15

Mountain Climber – 15

Cotton-Picker – 15

Merkin – 15


The Thang

Mosey to the rock pile near Hugh Torance & Chaddsley. Pick a stone, put it overhead and walk to the traffic circle then line up. The following exercises were done with PAX rotating to a different rock/pebble each time.

Monkey Humpers – 15

Full Curl – 10

Low Curl – 10

Hi-Curl – 10

Lap around traffic circle

Squat – 10

Upright Row – 10

Skull Crusher – 10

Shoulder Press – 10

Lap around traffic circle

8-count Body Builder (The Burner) – 5

Merkin – 5

8-Count Body Builder (The Burner) – 5

Merkin – 5

Lap around traffic circle

Monkey Humpers

Full Curl – 10

Low Curl – 10

Hi-Curl – 10

Lap around traffic circle


Bear crawl from one end of rock line to the other

Lunge Walk back

Bear crawl from one end of rock line to the other

Side Lunge back

Bear crawl from one end of rock line to the other

Side Lunge back


Rocks overhead and carry back to the rock pile


Mosey to bottom of the hill


Crucifix Curb Merkin – 10

Crucifix Curb Derkin – 10


Mosey back to clubhouse


Rocky Balboa – 20

Muhammed Ali (arms raised and fast) – 20



LBC – 15

Rosalita – 15

Low Flutter – 15

Touch ‘dem Heels – 15

Pickle Pounder – 15




  • A lot of “incognating” this morning from PAX. Left QIC counting on his own multiple times. Good news is the Q can count and listen simultaneously. Basically makes the Q ambidextrous…
  • If there are better exercises for a wet post than the Monkey Humper and Pickle Pounder, I don’t want to know. PAX embraced them both, but it made FNG, Cody, question his own decision making ability.
  • At times this morning, I was certain we were working out next to decomposing rats covered in spoiled dairy. Turns out it was just Tantrum and BEP playing “air swords”.
  • Tantrum gave us a sneak peek into his college years. I now feel bad for his roommate and the pillow. #showtoknow
  • 9-Lives tried to describe the exfoliating beads he used in college. Yeah. Um. 9-Lives. Uh…
  • Toxic took a brief sabbatical from his namesake, but made a furious return during Mary. So disappointed.
  • GangGreen enjoyed being called out by the form police. His response: “hey, shut-up!”. Classic Eagles fan.
  • I don’t think Ultraman even broke a sweat. He was wearing swimming flippers though…
  • FNG Cody sought out F3 via the website and reaching out to a guy by the name of Jolly-something. Showing up in a steady rain not knowing what he was about to encounter requires fortitude. He crushed it! Look forward to seeing him at upcoming posts. #ISI
  • Thanks to 9-Lives for taking us out this morning. As he mentioned I am grateful every day that I am able to roll out of the FS and post with men who not only want to get stronger, but are interested in helping others get stronger. I find true JOY (#Redemption discussion) in what F3 and FiA mean to my family. I have no interest in posting as a sad-clown in a stale, numb gym atmosphere. I would much rather run through puddles with all of you before the sun comes up.