A Full Body Check-up at The Wilderness

FNG-1 above refers to Steamy for the complete pax of 16.  Tantrum – get that boy registered!

15 men punched the fartsack, bowed to their alarm clocks and posted on time for this last-minute beatdown.  1 (Jorel) did punch the fartsack, but stayed to argue with his alarm clock for a bit.  Alarm clock eventually won the debate, and Jorel joined us at Queens Corner. Here is our story…

General Disclaimer

WARMOLOOPORAMA (after a quick sprint around the park, back to the tree for disclaimer, then the warmolooporama, which was out the back into the cul-de-sac, loop around back to Queens Corner before up Hugh Torrence to the rock pile while stopping along the way for SSHs, ESTs, Cotton Pickers and Windmills)

The Thang: After warmolooporama, stop at the Rock Pile up the hill on Hugh Torrence

High Curls, Low Curls, Full Curls.  Lap around the traffic circle, back to your rocks.

Skull Crushers, Alternating Shoulder Presses.  Lap around the traffic circle and back to your rocks.

Bent Over Rows, Side-Lunge-Squat-Lifts (ouch).  Put your rocks back.

Mosey down to Queens Corner for The Bicycle, Merkins, Curb Kickers, Curb Merkins

Mosey back toward our starting point.  Oh wait – there's another rock pile!

Full Curls, Squats, put 'em back.  Mosey to the park and stop at the volleyball court.

Cotton Pickers (an audible found to be necessary after the side-lunge-squat-lifts)

Mosey to the bball court for Mary With a Rope (MWAR)

Pax lines up on 3-pt line, w/ 1 man at FT line.  Man on FT line works the shoulders with the exercise rope while PAX does an exercise.  Everyone gets a turn on the rope and after your turn, you call the next exercise (intended to be Mary exercises).

The humid Moleskin:

We waited an extra 60 seconds for any late arrivals, asTantrum and Steamy rolled in with only seconds to spare and stated 3 pax were on their way on foot.  Those pax rolled right on by.  WTH?  So we went off-weinke and chased them.  Believe it was Blackbeard, Sweet C and one other.  Guess they had a better offer today…  sigh.

Even waiting a couple extra minutes and the unplanned lap around the park to chase the runners didn't allow Jorel to join us from the beginning.  But T-Claps to him for finding us at the back half of Warmolooporama.

YHC "almost" felt bad as we ran past the rock pile and Kumquat declared, "Wow – The Force just ran right past the rock pile!"  He sounded so pleased…  But YHC was only headed to the sidewalk entrance to the rock pile so as to not muddy the new Asics…  Cobains, Kumquat, because we stayed at that rock pile for a while…

The pax doesn't seem to like the side-lunge-squat-with-rock.  Complaints surfaced a couple weeks ago and today was no different.  By the stop at Queens Corner there were multiple guys massaging their inner thighs and hammies.  But happy to report no one partnered up for this.

Hope Burgoo feels better.  He had the Q today but is battling Strep.  I never want to see a man down, but admit I was more than happy to take the Q today.

The Wilderness is still my favorite AO.  Always a core group of guys from the 'hood who I remember from my first post (Jorel-led workout) almost 3 years ago.  And other core guys from close by who don't let the early start deter them, and now a new group of guys has emerged as regulars and that feels so good.  Two weeks ago we had 3 FNGs plus a 3rd post. Tremendous growth and we all know why.  F3 may or may not change your life or someone else's, but it is certain to have a positive impact on all of us, and often those around us.  T-Claps to Black Eyed Pea (MIA today – likely at Recover) for inviting me out for my first post in July of 2013.  Spread the word and share the love – "someone out there is praying for it" so let's go find them.
