Fun times at the Rock this morning.  This is how it went down:




Mosey around the parking lot.

Butt kickers

High Knees

Circle around

SSH x 15

IST x 15

Windmill X 15

Carrotpuller x 15

Toys Soldier x 15

Merkins x 15

This next little set was done in cadence MC,  with no rest in between them. Before the real fun started.


Low Curl X 15

High Curl

Full Curl

Skull Crushers

Bent Over Rows

Mountain Climber

Elbow Plank x 30secs.


Repeato X2


The real thang ( Or the fun part)

Partner up for Dora.  

P1 ran down to the end of the parking lot, 5 burpees and returned

P2 exercised

150 KB Swings

150 Military Press

150 Curls

150 Upright Rows

150 Goblet Squat



LBC x 25

Low Flutter X 20 (Courtesy of Chief.  Some people did WWii for no apparent reason)

Pretzel Crunch X 15 on each side.

Recover Recover



It looked like it was going to be a small group, but before I knew it we had a big PAX ready to take on their tuesday.


  • Chicken Little came back from his week long hiatus, yet it did not slow him down.  Strong performance as always.
  • Cupcake is disregarding all medical advice related to his back and continues to show us how it's done.  Strong
  • I was having a hard time keeping up with Porker.  He definitely carried my team forward. 
  • Good to see Mailman out again, as well as Big Kahuna.  I’ll be honest, for a second, I thought “Jeeze, CheezWhiz looks different…”
  • Overall, everyone put their heads down and worked through the pain.  Solid all around.

I hope everyone has a great day.

See you guys out there.