A Game of Chance

10 men tested their luck this morning with chance inspired workout.



Mosey around the parking lot and then towards the playgroud (pull up bars)

The following in Cadence



Toy Soldier

Carrot Puller


10 Pull Ups OYO

Mosey around back to the 1-100 grid on the pavement.

YHC brought two jerseys tied into balls and based on the number they landed on determined the exercise and how many.

1-20: Merican's

21-40: Burpees

41-60 Squat

61-80 Carolina Dry Dock

81-100 Plank

I don't remember how many of each one we ended up doing, but each PAX got a toss and the Q tossed twice for some extra fun.

Mosey back to pull up bars:

3 sets of the following

10 pull ups

10 dips

10 step ups (5 each leg)

Mosey to wall for Peoples Chair with shoulder press and heel touch

Mosey around parking lot then back to start for Mary

Good work to Moses keeping up with that contraption on you leg! Nice to meet you Beefcake, Hollywood, and Evinrude! If we have already met then I apologize I'm terrible at remembering things…..

Prayer request for Stapler's nephew Eric and Eric's father.