A Generally chilly Friday


13 dedicated men did not fear the chilly gloom at the General this morning.


15 Cotton Pickers IC
15 Toy Soldiers IC
Runners streches
10 Merkins IC

The Thang:

Bataan Death March up to to front entrance of the park and over to the rock pile  Last man drops and does 5 Merkins before sprinting to front.  

Ladder from rock pile up to stop sign and back down.  Rock curls at the bottom, squats at the top.

Merkin time bomb from 6 down to 1.  The pax loved this one.

Full curls x 15
Skull crushers x 15
Shoulder press x 15

Everyone down for some Rock Webbs.  1 merkin, 2 overhead rock presses.  Upped the presses to 12, then back down by 2's.

Death March back to parking lot for Mary

Crunchy Frog – Deep Dish
Pickle Pounder – Gnarly Goat
Pretezel Crunch – Ninja Turtle
Rosalita – Holiday

Not much mumblechatter this morning, I think the PAX were more worried about keeping warmed.  Was worried about Gnarley Goat having to take a quick detour during the ladder, but apparently everything was fine.
He mentioned something about getting ruck credit for the weight he dropped off…

Welcome to Cream Pie, formerly the PAX known as Buckner.  Strong work this morning!

Thanks to Magnus for the opportunity to Q, and to the solid group of guys that
showed this morning.  It's always a privilege to lead.