A Glitter in your eye and a smile AT PAININSULA #BB

4 men braved a humid standard through the darkness of Jetton and had little in their tank for a Paininusula beatdown, where 6 additional men had glitter in their eyes and a bright smile to re-inspire the day.


Thanks Outlaw for inspiring me to Q. Hope there wasn't too much running

Thanks Moses for helping me prepare for the Q by accepting voluntold to demo and lead dive bombers and backing up that tpterodactyl

Mumble chatter was early and then pretty quiet – sneaky effiecient hard workout – come on admit it

Warning – take caution – Beware and be wary of standing south of GG when he bends over to tie his shoes – Outlaw may need to bath in tomato juice to lose that smell

Congrats Links for 3rd post – keep it up

Tributes to War Daddy Stromboli with crunching frog and planks – he gets stronger with Age

MacBeth nearly brought a glitter to pax's eyes and a smile to our faces with beautiful way over taking us out of CoT. 

Keep touching lives men




Mosey to launching area – that's .03 run


Toy Solider

Imperial Storm Trooper

Donkey Kicks

Mountain Climbers

Shoulder roles – 

Monkey Humpers

The Thang


slow low squat

Early mary – low dolly, box cutter, LBC plank

diamond mirkins


incline mirkens

Dive Bomb Mirkins

Burpee Broad jumps

single leg step ups


decline mirkins

calf raises

lunge walk