A History of Stretch Armstrong

12 PAX posted for Stretch Armstrong.

The Thang

  • We stretched

The Moleskin

  • Stretch Armstrong, a workout unlike any other, started in 2012 with a group of PAX watching the P90X Stretch video (because who knows how to lead a stretch workout). The workout breaks most of the rules.  It is on a lighted level surface and sometimes indoors; however, it does take place in all weather conditions, and the injured will be helped.  
  • Because I got tired of the same workout each week, I volunteered to MQ Stretch Armstrong in February of 2013.
  • Stretch has faced a long rode to finally achieve adoption.   Stretch started strong at the Oakhurst Pavilion, lost numbers when Mad Scientist started.   Dwindled to 3 PAX, myself, Cornwallis, and Cha Chi, for several years. With the occasional drop in on a cold day. 
  • Stretched lost the wonderful indoor gym at Mt. Zion (many thanks to that church) as a result of COVID and the lack of PAX attending Stretch from that Church.   
  • The PAX tried a new winter location at Birkdale, but got kicked out of the garage by a grumpy resident.  The PAX then found a new winter home at DPK parking garage basement.  Once COVID was a over Topgun secured the Wynfield Forest Clubhouse as a new winter home. 
  • While looking a new winter location, the PAX decided to change the summer location as well. The goal, of course, is to be near a coffee shop.  The stage at the caboose was used until construction caused a temporary move to Summit Coffee in Birkdale.   The new Summer Location  will be the first decision of the new MQ.
  • Stretch Armstrong took persistence to build knowledge and confidence to get other PAX to Q.  It has outlasted Mad Scientist and scientism.    
  • Now that Stretch Armstrong has grown up, it is time to let go.  After 10 years of being MQ, this am I announced that Die Hard will take over as MQ of Stretch Armstrong in February.
  • I will now focus as MQ of a new workout, Water Wings, focused on helping F3 bothers gain fitness with swimming.