A Hodgepodge of Mishmash

Event Date

Aug 22, 2023

2 for a Standard (Ponch & YHC)

Having signed up to Q this workout several months ago, one would think plenty of thought and planning would have gone into it.  Nah- if you posted, it was evident this was another make-it-up-as-you-go Q!  That’s how we roll, sometimes (always).

After  a brief disclaimer we were off to pick up Ponch on his return from a quick 3-miler and we moseyed around the lot.  We landed near the shed and each grabbed one CMU; (Over Budget needing to show his dominance by grabbing a big ‘un.)

We warmed up with SSH, down dog, catcher’s pose, IST, slow windmill, slow squats

We then grabbed blocks and stopped at 3 stations on our way to the steps.  At those 3 stations we did:

10 slow incline block ‘Mericans, 10 slow block squats, 20 old-school sit-ups (3rd round upped to 15, 15, 30)

We made it to the steps and hopped up to the top for 5 burpees and went forward down to 10 block curls.  Repeat for 4,3,2,1 burpees and 10 curls.

We transitioned to Freddy Mercs and Dying Cockroaches after that.

Back we ventured with our blocks, stopping 2 more times for the same as before.  Tough we did add calf raises and shoulder presses and subbed decline ‘Mericans.

We returned the blocks and made it to MARY just in time for J-Lo by Amen.


Naked moleskin:

  1. YHC did not expect to see and run with Ponch for the Standard this morning.  He kept me honest and banged it out.
  2. Lambeau asked after we were finished if THAT was supposed to be the workout.  He thought it was just the warm-up and he left disappointed.  Sorry bro!  You should try FKT 🙂
  3. Frontier regaled those listening with great travel stories and his concerns about the ever-looming recession.
  4. Toby did not speak today. He was in own head.
  5. Thanks to Ponch for watching over us as we did exercises in a dumb place.  “To protect and serve.”
  6. Welcome back to Flo!  Hope you feel better and better, bro.
  7. Bob Ross did not break a sweat today.  There’s video evidence to prove it.  How is that possible? Dunno.
  8. The Force was not there.

