A HOLIDAY Swingfest

Event Date

Feb 20, 2023

I got the early morning tweet that my battle buddy – Deep Dish – pulled a work all-nighter and wouldn’t be making the workout.  So off I went, alone, to MMM.

Chilly Willy couldn’t make the HOLIDAY delayed Berean, so he grabbed a bell and headed to HOLIDAY MMM.  Macbeth and Tweetsie made it 4 until Greyhound came in on two wheels at 5:30ish – to complete the quintet.  

Short term memory seems to be a challenge – maybe it’s Monday, maybe it’s age.  Here is a general idea of what we did…no promises regarding accuracy. 

Warm Up:  Take a lap around the track, grab your bells and circle up.  SSH, Windmill, Long Snapper, Around the World w/ bells, IST, Mountain Climbers, Down Dog, Stretchy Stretchy


Line up backs to the school for a series of exercises: 

5 Burpees, 10 Overhead press, 15 Squats, 20 Curls – Run across the lot and back

Repeato with burpees descending 4, 3, 2, 1 – all other reps stayed the same – Run to and fro after each set

Find a spot near the school on the sidewalk – People’s Chair on the roof-support pillars. 

Dips, Repeato People’s Chair, Repeato Dips

Take a lap around the track.

Grab your bell – and circle up.  Series of Lawnmowers and Upright Rows each x 10 IC, Repeato x 8 Repeato x 6

Find a spot on the fence – Christian Mc-Calf Raises

Take a lap around the track

More calf raises – duck, pigeon, regular.  Circle up with bells – on your back for Chest Press, Russian Twists, Chest Press

Take a lap around the track

Circle up with bells – Long, slow squats x 15 IC, High Curls, Low Curls, Full Curls (all curls x 7 IC)


Greyhound: LBC, Tweetsie: Low Flutter, MacBeth: Suzanne Summers 20 IC each leg (that sucked), Chilly Willy: 10 WW2’s OYO

Recover/Recover – feels like I missed something, but this is close.  I felt it – I hope everyone else did.


  • Great to see Tweetsie – it’s been a while brother.  Hope to see you again real soon.
  • Found out after the post that MQ Cobra Kai tweaked his back.  Heal Up quickly.
  • We offered prayers up for two families affected by cancer.  In both cases, mothers with children at home have had major surgery.  We asked for God’s strength for them and for those around them. 
  • Greyhound asked if I had a little Q adrenaline this morning.  Must have had a little extra lead in my pencil.  Always happens when I’ve got the lead,  

Always an honor to be among you fine men.  Have a great week.

