A horse is a horse, of course of course

Event Date

Jul 23, 2024

Though we bridled at the humidity 5 “My Little Ponies” galloped out for a horse (or two).

We got lathered up as we galloped, cantored and trotted.

Omega was seen standing up on his hind legs, while Hippie did some show jumping.  Airstream was just back from out west so he did some western-style, while Caesar did some fancy sideways dressage that simply wowed the judges.  Meanwhile YHC was just a steady Clydesdale workhorse, plowing the way with not one but TWO shoes.

Upon completion we re-convened with the regularly scheduled PAINinsula programming under the kind and gentle tutelage of the hound of painville.

Notably the war baby was forty freaking six.  We prayed it out for some great intentions, and adjourned to coffee where we actually solved each of the world’s problems.

If you ever wonder about the ‘shoe, just take this advice from an old talking horse friend of mine:

”Go right to the source and ask the horse
He’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse.
He’s always on a steady course.” – Ed