A Knight’s Tale: Ser Cut

0502: Kosar and YHC meet the Standard for 3+ miles

0528: Kosar and YHC come out of the road to nowhere to see the pax lounging around wondering who the heck is Qing this thing. Quick water break and then the Mystery Q was revealed…it was me. Groans of anguish rang out as we ran over towards the pull-up forest. The pax were so pissed pleased to find a bunch of toys laid out for them. Disclaimer given, warm-up commenced.



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC



YHC introduced the pax to Ser Cut, a tabata circuit (get it?). Ser Cut can be scaled to have more stations dependent on number of pax but here's what we did.

1. Tire Flips

2. Alternating Dumbell Curls (25lbs each)

3. Double KB Swing (25 lbs each)

4. Block Dips

5. OH Press w/ 40 lb KB

6. Gas Can Farmer's Carry

7. Pull-ups

8. Burpees


Round 1 consisted of 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. Round 2 was 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Round 3 (the cooldown round) was 35 seconds on, 25 seconds off. Between Round 1 and Round 2, we threw in some low flutters and LBCs as our rest.


After completing 3 rounds, we put the toys away and ran back to launch.


  • Dive bomb Merkins x 10 OYO
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Homer-to-Marge

Recover. Recover.


  • Mr. Holland was supposed to Q today but texted YHC that he was under the weather and needed to bow out. Seemed like the perfect opportunity to stoke some intrigue in the pax as to who would actually be the Q. Big money was on Qbert but the man isn't even in the state.
  • Watch out for Jobe. That man is a beast. He was making the farmer's carries look easy.
  • HSB did what HSB does – quietly crush the workout without complaints.
  • Kosar putting in work – gym, run, bootcamp. Take a break man!
  • Whenever Uncle Rico posts, YHC has to make sure we aren't standing around too much. We all know he gets restless. I like to think he savored the rest periods this time around.
  • YHC always appreciates that Enron makes the long trek to DS each Thursday. The man wakes up in the morning to put in work! Aye!
  • Swing State even got a little bit winded today. That's when you know you did a good job.

Thanks to all those who came out today. As I write this backblast, I feel the tire flips wreaking havoc on my body. Next week is Nacho Libre at the helm. Until then – CB