A Labor of the Love of Running

Despite YHC's best efforts to inform the PAX (Email, Slack, Twitter, annoucements at workouts) some still thought today's workout was going to be at the Rescue Park. 12 payed attention and posted to ELHS. Of course these were all hard charging Mustang PAX, and ZERO SVU PAX made the trip down south. Most of SVU gets a pass as today was a BRR tapering rest day. But not for Abrams, though he did take it easy on us today. Here is what we did which totaled around 3-4 miles depending on how hard you worked it…

20 IC Seal Jacks
10 IC Low Country Crab Cakes
20 IC Monkey Humpers
The Thing
-Run from the launch pad around the back of the school to the stop light "Gather up style"
-10 Burpees OYO
-Safely cross Hwy 73 into Trilogy, Run down to the First Cul-de-sac on the right.
-LBC's until the 6th arrives
-Q sets a timer for 10 minutes. PAX will run at their own pace down Silvermine Trail and back up. At the bottom complete 20 squats, at the top 20 'mericans. Repeato for the 10 minutes. YHC has the crown on this segment, and I earned it at the end of a 6 mile run so it is beatable. Who will steal it?
-PAX runs quadraphilia style to the stop sign, Plank for the 6
-10 IC Scorpion 'Mericans (5 each side)
-Lunge walk to the next corner, Get a drink of water and leave it here, we'll be back
-Sprint to the bottom of the hill, end of road
-Run down the cul-de-sac and back
-Run to the Next intersection Gather-up style
-Karaoke down the cul-de-sac right, come back left
-Dragon walk up to the next intersection driveway
-Run next cul-de-sac
-30 second Al Gore
-PAX race to the fountain, run back for the 6
-10 IC Squats
-Safely cross Hwy 73 and run down to the track launch pad
-Wall Sit for the 6
-Sprint the straight and walk to corners for 2 laps
-1/4 mile intervals with alternating wall sits, and Carolina Dry Docks

10 IC Pretzel Crunch Left, Repeato Right
20 IC Low Flutter
20 IC Low Dolly
20 IC Peter Parkers

30 Second American Hammer

Exodus 20:9 "Six days you shall labor, and do all your work" On the 7th day you rest, you do not work. Many of us are guilty of either training 7 straight days, working 7 days, not resting and not honoring the Sabbath. Your Sabbath doesn't have to be on Sunday, but pick a day for your Sabbath. Today we celebrate a national day to celebrate the working class, actually the first one was a labor strike. Historically Americans were working 60-70 hour work weeks, 6 to 7 days a week 10 hour days. The idea of Labor Day is what helped bring about 8 hour work days and 5 days a week. This helped spur the economy by allowing workers to spend their money in the community. At least this is what was true in the early 1900's.


  • Great to see Nittany and Frisbee.  Apparently I need Frisbee's email and contact info. After Nittany showed Frisbee the email pre-blast he EH'd his own pops to come out and post this morning. T-claps Frisbee.
  • Also Frisbee apparently impressed, who I assume is his teacher.
  • Sonar, My appologies for missing you at Mary time. So many neon yellow shirts and lack of oxygen.
  • Spork – Good effort of attempting to take the crown on the Silvermine Climb. Just 6 seconds short. I have a feeling this crown will be stolen sometime soon.
  • Clubber was the honorary Clark/SVU member today, rolling in a little late
  • Kaczynski beat Frisbee on the Karoke up the hill. He would just like to point that out
  • For reference silvermine climb is at approximately the same grade as leg 35 of the BRR. Only the BRR is that same grade for 2 miles, while Silvermine is less than 0.25 mile.
  • Great to see all of you men in the gloom today, rest easy the rest of the day
  • Should I tag SVU since ZERO SVU PAX showed?
  • Thanks for letting me lead you fine men