A Leap Year Murph at Man Maker Monday

The Murph never disappoints!

Temp Mid 40's slight breeze which made it feel cooler than it was.  Of course we warmed up quickly.

Warm O Rama:  Warm up the cheeck bones with all the mumble chatter.

The Thang:  Do I really need to say???

1 Mile Run

100 Pull Ups

200 Mericans

300 Squats

1 Mile Run

Various M A R Y exercises for those who can run.

Naked Moleskin:

Uncle Rico makes those damn pullups look so easy.

Speaking of squats…there is some POOR ASS FORM.  A two inch squat does just that, SQUAT. (Insert jokes here).

Outlaw likes extra credit Mericans…either that or he was just extra PUMPED for his Millenium at Paininsula…

There was actually a SHOE sighting!

The Count was "Man" enough to post knowing he would get an earful about the mysterious ruck plates from YHC…of course not the case!

Omega, great support as always…

Good seeing my MudRun brother Binary north of LFC…

I got an HC from Shaken and Hat Trick to Q the first couple weeks…Hanging out with JR is rubbing off….scary thought.

Lots O mumble chatter today…always makes The Murph much more bearable.

Great work by all the Pax.  Strong Effort by all.

Thanks to Quick Stop for graciously taking us out during CoT.

An honor as always to sharpen swords with these fine gentlemen!
