Time just flew by and it seemed just after the beatdown started, it was over.
FNG-1 = Hooper
15 IC Mtn Climbers
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Copperhead Squats
15 IC Tony Hawks
15 IC Mtn Climbers
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Copperhead Squats
15 IC Tony Hawks
The Rampage:
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Crab Walk:
Crab walk up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Walk crab up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Crab walk up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Walk crab up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins, mosey back
Road Work:
Run to the clubhouse and back to the AO: last in line drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
Run to the clubhouse and back to the AO: last in line drops for 3 Merkins, before running to the front.
Pain Stations:
1 pax run with a cinder block from 2nd playground to the AO, executes 15 Curls and runs back with their cinder block, as the counter.
1 pax run with a cinder block from 2nd playground to the AO, executes 15 Curls and runs back with their cinder block, as the counter.
Pain Stations (1st round):
– Step ups,
– Australian pull-ups,
– Calf raise,
– Pull ups
– Step ups,
– Australian pull-ups,
– Calf raise,
– Pull ups
Pain Stations (2nd round):
– Step ups,
– Dips,
– Zig-zag jumps,
– Pull up- toe touch
– Step ups,
– Dips,
– Zig-zag jumps,
– Pull up- toe touch
3.5 MOM
1 minute: WWI Sit Ups
1 minute: Jane Fondas right
1 minute: Jane Fondas left
30 seconds: Merkins
1 minute: WWI Sit Ups
1 minute: Jane Fondas right
1 minute: Jane Fondas left
30 seconds: Merkins
Matthew 22:37–39. Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
Matthew 22:37–39. Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
Good times were had,