A little bit of backwards running to the SVU clubhouse

Event Date

Dec 01, 2020


6 men arrived after drying out from yesterday to see what the cold would bring.    


10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Plank Jacks

10 x Mericans

10 x Grandma Maters

10 x Windmills

The Thang

To the clubhouse!  Alternate run and quadraphelia at each mailbox on the way with a burpee at the swap.

Clubhouse parking lot: Butt kickers, High knees, karaoke x2, bear crawl and crab walk with mosey back.

Dock workout: Mosey to end of each boat dock and do 20 squats, next dock 20 WWIs, next dock 20 Mericans.  Repeato x2. 

Return to AO.  Alternate run and quadraphelia at each mailbox on the way with a burpee at the swap.

Mary each pax took a turn to lead an exercise

15 x Hello Dolly – Shirley

20 x Flutterkicks – Dandelion

10 x side crunch each side – Strudel

20 x in cadence American Hammer -Crabby Patty

15 x LBC – Country Living

20 x Rosalita Whips – Mater

Reflection: Matthew 4 18-22.  Jesus calls the first apostles. 

Shared a story of how yesterday I was at the courthouse waiting outside.  Two rougher looking citizens standing nearby smoking and also waiting.  Suddenly a disheveled looking chap came out of the building saying he couldn’t take in his cell phone and asked the two people standing next to me if they could hold it for a while if they were going to be there for a bit.  They said sure.  He went back in and 1 minute later came back asking if they could hold onto his wallet which was huge like the Castanza wallet from George in Seinfeld.  They said yes.  He seemed to have no worries and went about his appointment inside.  It made me think about the trust we can place in others and the inherent good of humanity.  Also linked to daily scripture reading from yesterday outlining how Jesus chose his disciples from the most unlikely of characters that did not have the outward stature or credentials most would trust.  Amazing how God works to show us things and in this case the trust and understanding that our views and ideas are not always right. 


-Crabby Patty was sitting and waiting for us at the end of the dock workout, breezed right through it!

-Mater confessed he almost hit Skipper running this am driving in and then pledged to up his complaining game in Skipper’s honor NJ style. 

-Dandelion’s truck roars up the hill at 0533.22 on the last warmup exercise but integrates seamlessly into the rotation. 

-Country Livin had some great perspective on seeing things from others point of view and why we do things for the greater good at the end of the workout. 

-Strudel is happy to see a port-o-potty new location on the way to the clubhouse.  Apparently, his M is feeding him hot link sausages on a routine basis. 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
