5:00am 3 Pax took on the standard which included 50 merkins and 50 situps with a return just in time to meet the other 3 who showed up for the fun.
- Warmorama SSH 20, IST 10, Dingo lead Windmill, Merkins 25
- Mosey to the bridge, suspended merkins 10, over and back 10, Tunnel of Love 1x,
- Mosey to street corner 25 merkins, 25 WWIIs
- Mosey to pull-up bars and knock out 5 rounds of Chibata bread (5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats)
- Mosey to block 20 curls, Shoulder press, skull crushers, teabaggers, and then 30 chest press and while down there 25 merkins, run a lap and repeto x3
- Blocks away some crunch frog and some planking for 1:05
- Strong work by the Pax this am lots of sweat and hard work put in
- Tammy predicts more Orange then Red in Charlotte for the Vols vs Pack game in Sept, Tuffy disagrees
- Perrier looking fast today and pushing pace on the standard, like he is getting ready for something
- Don’t move to Davidson the power is suspect in them hills
- Appreciate the opportunity to lead and look forward to the chance to do it again thanks Tammy!