A little bit of this and that

Event Date

Feb 11, 2019

5 kicked Monday morning in the face with a full body smoke show.


  • 20X IC SSH
  • 10X IC IST
  • 10X IC Cotton Picker

Round 1

  • 12X IC dips
  • 10X (each leg) OYO step ups
  • 12X IC decline Muricans
  • 10X (each leg) IC Bulgerian split squats
  • Total of 3 rounds

Round 2 – mosey to pull-up bars

  • 10X OYO pull-ups – run to end of parking lot and back
  • 10X IC Muricans – run to end of parking lot and back
  • 15X IC squats – run to end of parking lot and back
  • Total of 3 rounds

Round 3 – mosey back to the Green

  • 5X OYO burpees
  • 10X OYO Mary Katherine's
  • 15X OYO jump squats
  • Total of 3 rounds


  • 25X IC low flutter
  • 15X IC nose to toes
  • 10X IC (each side) pillow talk
  • 10X IC (each leg) LBC with one leg straight six inches off the ground

COT – prayed for the family of our brother, Schneider