A Little Hill Work

Event Date

Jun 29, 2019

3 PAX returning a few minutes late from the abbreviated RR10k were joined by a 4th PAX.  Work began shortly thereafter which included a mosey to Carrington Ridge.  We stopped at the bottom of the Colonial Garden Drive Hill for some OYO stretching and quality 2nd F conversation.

The Thang

Mercan / LBC modified ladder.

Round 1 — 10 mercans at the bottom of the hill.  Run to the top of said hill and drop for 10 LBC's.  

Repeato dropping mercans by one but keeping LBC's consistant until we completed 10 trips up the hill.

After the 4th round YHC agreed to the mumble chatter and advised we could shorten the workout.  PAX lobbied for 5 rounds but YHC pushed them to compete round 6.  (Trust me, my legs were smoked as well.)


Complete the day with a run back to Homebase for a 20-minute break prior to The Estate.