A little nicotine with your merican?

Apologies for missing someone – know we had 15 not 14…YHC extended his Q'ing streak to two after a suicide mission at the Buddha yesterday.  Great turnout and as usual the rain held off until coffee.  Are we blessed or what?  Clean livin' in Racecity.  We are the chosen ones.  Today's Q was precipitated by a secret, manipulative text (no, not FBI) from a participant who said "Make it horrible".   My lips are sealed.

We started our mosey when crack immediately called a breech of etiquette and reminded YHC that Racecity is incapable of following directions unless they start with SSH's.  Thusly,

25 DC SSH's

IST – 10 or so with high knee to elbow – just the way Hummer taught us

10 Mericans

10 Mountain climbers

Pax continued its run down that road with no name, dodging traffic.  FLG ran ahead with his ruck blowing the curve for the class.  Folks knew immediately where we were headed – to the dumpster of Racecity AO's…..Iron Thunder.

Here's how it went down:

25 DC mericans – run to the corner

25 DC squats

Bear Crawl / Lunge walk uphill

25 Carolina Dry docks

25 DC incline mericans

Duck walk to hill top

Run back to start (cul de sac)

Descended to 20's then 15's

Assembled back at cul de sac for special event – played Charlie Daniels Pledge of Allegiance – 2 mins 48 secs – required pax to plank – anyone who hates the flag or pledge was welcome to rest though Lear would have gutted them like a lake trout.

Ran back to original AO and followed up with Mary –

LBS's – 25 DC

Flutters – 25 DC

Box cutter / Cox Butters – 10 each

Pretzels – 25 each side – mangled cadence

Mason Twist – because Racecity doesn't know when to stop until they reach a mason twist


LondonWhale returns!!  Apparently he was in India for an extended period.  I think he's moonlighting at a call center.  I think I reognized his voice when I called to order a Slap Chop.

Did I mention FLG wore his ruck?  That had to suck.

I'd like to commend the pax on a horrible job bear crawling and lunge walking up hill – looked like a scene out of the walking dead

Also….a one burpee penalty was issued for the maligning and disparagement of YHC's left nut or lack there of – because I can't see or hear it was hard to identify the perpetrators.  Penalty was issued at pax level. 

Please remember to get a tetnus shot, penicillin and checked for mersa – thank you Iron Thunder.  My fingers are still yellow from the nicotine on the ledge and benches.

Continued prayers for Deepend's dad and Plinko's father in law as well as Strutter's family.  Great work again boys!