A long WARM-O-RAMA at Samson

On a not too hot day at Samson, 9 PAX tried a few things that YHC did during the Q vs. Q.  Disclaimer:  YHC did not make it past the second round, suggesting some of today's ideas are not and were never good *shrug*

Here is roughly what went down:

0500:  Run standard with Hefty, Turncoat, and YHC.  After ~1 mile YHC split off to set up some cinder blocks.  Hefty and Turncoat covered nearly 3 miles.

0530:  A really long WARM-O-RAMA followed by a short workout.


  • Mosey towards the Torance neighborhood next door with some butt kickers and high knees up the hill.
  • Circle up, disclaimer given.
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • "Russians" x 25 IC.  Stolen from Meatball during his VQ at Outer Limits last week.
  • Soybean farmers x 10 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Mosey down the hill, via "exaggerated long striders"
  • Mericans x 10 IC at the bottom
  • Quadraphilia up the hill
  • Plank x 1 minute to warm up our core.  Mona Lisa suggested at this rate today would be 40 minutes of WARM-O-RAMA, so I'm milking that obviously for the purposes of this backblast.
  • Mosey down the hill, via side shuffles left and right
  • LBCs x 30 OYO at the bottom
  • Run up the hill.  "Double time".  Which meant Turncoat shot out of the gate fast.  Knowing YHC could not catch him, I said "Hefty, engage. Go catch Turncoat!".  He almost did.  Those young men are fast!

Mosey back down the hill and back into the LFC parking lot.  Stop at the wall for:

  • Everyone in people's chair.
  • Person on the end sideways plank walks across the PAX, who help by holding up the plank walker's feet
  • There is no name for this exercise.  Someone, Mona Lisa I think, suggested "take it off the list", lol.
  • Jump Squats x 30 OYO

Mosey to the back of the parking lot.  YHC had set up a few cinder block stacks.  Partner up for:

  • Wheelbarrow walk, and go up and over first set of blocks, stop for 5 decline Mericans on second set
  • Flip flop and repeato.  (This idea, while stupid, is at least less stupid than the wall thing)
  • "Squats while waiting" was a popular theme today

Everyone grab a block for:

  • Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Slow deep block squats x 15 IC
  • Chest press x 30 OYO

We took a recovery lap around the parking lot at this point, if I recall.  Finally, we were warmed up.

The Thing:

Partner up again for:

  • Partner 1 does single count low flutter AMRAP, keeping count
  • Partner 2 farmer carries 2 blocks to end of lot and back, a distance of roughly 40-50 yards ish
  • Repeato until 200 reps achieved
  • Squats if your team was waiting

Another lap at this point, stopping at the wall again.  No, audible, stop in the covered area (Turncoat suggested this felt "made up" at this point, lol) for:

  • Step ups x 30 OYO, I.E. 15 each leg
  • Jump ups x 10 OYO

Mosey back to the blocks.  Return them to the woods.


  • Knee ups x 10 OYO.  Carpet Bagger did full on toes to the bar, nice!
  • Mosey towards the cars
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 15 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 2.09 miles which is admittedly on the run heavy side.  Everyone worked hard though and there were minimal complaints.


  1. See above.  Lots of great chatter today!
  2. Few announcements:  Please read https://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/free-non-certified-cpr-training-coming-to-the-mighty-jungle and https://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/financial-qa-night-for-pax-and-their-ms.  HCs ("Hard commits") would be appreciated for planning purposes.  Also, F3 Dads / Kids workout at ELHS (Mustang) this Saturday at 0700.
  3. One year since Carpet Bagger's heart procedure.  Crushed today's workout, especially the upper body portions.  Great to see you getting back after it brother, and great catching up.
  4. Cherry Bomb has the Q at The General tomorrow.  He's not really cleared to run the mileage that we did today, so I shouldn't mention any of this to Snoopy…oh whoops…  Great job powering through.
  5. Someone suggested we could've simply picked up Baller at his house for this workout.  But then we would've robbed him of his 90 second drive to the AO!  Nice work today bud.
  6. Tugboat and Mona Lisa both crushed the workout.  One quietly, one…less so.  I'll leave that to your imagination to figure out.
  7. Always good to see a surprise visit from Hefty!  And joining the "Turn Brothers" for the standard even.  Let's get a couple of clown cars over to Mustang soon to return the favor.
  8. Speaking of, thanks for the support Mr. Turncoat.  Whenever there are partner exercises I just automatically grab Turncoat even if someone already tries to.  Call it Q priviledge or whatever. *shrug*
  9. Mr. Hasselhoff, thanks for the opportunity to Q.  And even bigger thanks for taking on the role of MQ here.  The AO is growing under your leadership Sir!

As always it was a pleasure to lead.  Always awesome to lace them up with the men of F3.
