A lot of various KB exercises and some running

Warm up: SSH 20x, IST10x, TS 10x, windmill 10x, merkin timebomb 5-3-2-1

Mosey to front of school 

The Thang: partner up (one partner ran a lap while other did the KB exercise)

squat with one arm shoulder press, one arm KB swing, plank KB pull thru, side plank with lawn mower, low curl, high curl, full curl, skull crusher, regular lawn mower, one arm chest press, two hand chest press with low flutter, upright row (i think that was all of the exercises)

Mosy back to homebase


plank, plank toe touch 10x, peter parker 10x, parker peter 10x, break dancer 10x

slice LBC, einstein merkins, strom crunchy frog, boat dying cochroach, lonestar low dolly, yosemite rosalita, shaken burpees, shorty squats, axel low flutter


My KB was in my car that is in the shop so since there were no extra KB, we did partner workout (one partner did KB exercise while other partner ran a lap).  Shorty thanks for sharing your KB with me as your partner.

I think we did every KB exercise that I know.  Axel said i missed the trukish get up but I hate that one so we did not do it.

Pax were not counting during warm up so i told them they needed to start counting or we would do burpees.  All spoke up except Strom.  I did not call burpees but Shaken did during Mary.

Along with no KB, I also came unprepared with no watch so thanks for all the pax that helped me with the time.

I was going to break up the running with some bear crawls but Einstein said bear crawls hurt his upper back so we kept running.  

Riverboat suprised us with not calling freddy mercury during mary and changing it up.

Axel had to skip running but good to see him out.

Shaken thanks for taking us out in prayer.