A Megaphone and A Rock Pile

No, the Q didn't hide in the bushes at 0518. No, the Q didn't emerge out of said bushes with a megaphone at 0530.  No, the Q did not clipboard the first 30 Merkins via said megaphone.  Or, maybe he did. #S2K

Rest of the WarmUp

30 SSH's, 15 Cotton Pickers, Side Lunge, 30 Merkins, Arm Cicles, and 40 Squats

Mosey to the rockpile at the LFC driveway enterance, and pick a screw your neighbor rock.

All exercises were done to 12 reps and all in cadence

Circle up.

Set #1

Shoulder Press, Low Curl, Full Curl, Rock Squat, Skull Chusher

Zamperini's until Contra does 10 Burpess

50 Seal Claps in cadence

Repeato Set #1 (Without the squats this time, cuz you know, #integrity)

20 Monkey Humpers in cadence

Repeato Set #1 again

Set #2

Bent over Rock Row, On your 6's Chest Press, Mason Twist, Caroline Dry Dock, Rock Dead Lift

50 Seal Claps in cadence

Repeato Set #2

Repeato Set #2 again

Zamperini's until Contra does 10 Burpess, then put rocks back in the pile

Mosey back to main paining lot and do Contra Burpees until time expires.  The group got halfway accross the lot.


Contra great job on the Burpees today, my applogies for including so many non-rotator cuff friendly exercises. Hope those shoulders heal up soon.

Caboose and Carpetbagger, thanks for coming out even after F3 Softball yesterday.  Glad to see those long unused softball muscles didn't hold you back from posting today. 

Professor great work today, but I can't believe you of all people would refusnik a clipboarder.

Always great to see Swede and Stealth at LFC.  You guys made it look easy today.  Next time I promise more running.

Rocket and Hasselhoff may have been co-WarDaddy today, but you wouldn't know it from the work they were putting in.  Age is only a number with those guys…. just a really, really, really, big number.

There wasn't much complaining today, except for The Force, he only complained.

Billy Bob and The Count just went about their business.  Maybe next time I can get them to break a sweat. Maybe.

Prayers lifted up for Duvall's family.  There are a couple oppurtunities to help them out, hit up Mailman for details.

Thanks to everyone that came out this morning.  It was an honor to lead such a strong group.  Thanks goes to Lego for the oppotunity.